Security, Innovation, Defense,

We Are Trusted Reliable Loyal Partners

E-Strategija: Empowering Security Through Ingenuity and Quality.

Innovating Defense Solutions

Discover the driving force behind E-Strategija’s innovative approach to defense solutions. We combine expertise with forward-thinking strategies to meet the demands of modern security challenges. Learn about our mission and vision for a safer world.


Partner with E-Strategija for Profitable Trade Opportunities

Unlock lucrative trade partnerships and investment opportunities with E-Strategija, a leader in the defense industry

Our Core Services and Specializations

Explore E-Strategija’s comprehensive range of specialized services, tailored to meet the unique needs of the defense industry.

Military Trading

Procurement and distribution of a wide array of military products.

Ammunition Assembly

Investment opportunities in ammunition production projects.

Unmanned Systems

Cutting-edge drones and anti-drone technologies for security solutions.

Unmanned Technologies

Investing in advanced drone technologies and associated innovations.

Advanced Cybersecurity

Access cutting-edge defense cybersecurity solutions for comprehensive protection.

Innovative Defense Solutions

Exploring cutting-edge defense technologies for investment and development.

Years in industry
trade products